Discover Why the End of the Year Is a Good Time for a Colonoscopy

EOY colonoscopy

Many people flinch at the idea of having a colonoscopy. However, are you aware that after you undergo an initial test, if it produces normal results, you will not need to have the procedure for at least ten years? That’s a solid ten years without a colonoscopy.

Having a colonoscopy screening may not be big on your list of priorities. But be that as it may, getting a colon cancer screening can offer security for your general health. On the authority of, deaths by colon cancer have diminished for multiple decades because of routine tests.

It is recommended for a person of average risk to have their first colon cancer screening around age 45. This is suggested since colon and rectal cancer is highly curable when caught promptly. If diagnosed early on, the five-year rate of survival is 90%.

At Metropolitan Gastroenterology Associates, we take pride in offering high-quality treatment and personalized care. Our New Orleans, LA gastroenterologists seek to make sure you undergo the colon cancer screening you need to stay healthy.

How is a colonoscopy test performed?

A colonoscopy is an examination that detects variations and abnormalities in the rectum and large intestine (colon). Over the course of the examination, the GI physician places a flexible scope into the colon by way of the rectum. A small camera permits the doctor to look within the large intestine.

Your comfort is of extreme importance while you undergo the test. You will be given the option to accept intravenous sedation to help you feel more at ease. Ask our team for additional details on how they can help make certain your colonoscopy is practically painless.

What can a colonoscopy diagnose?

Having an initial screening for colon cancer is recommended for anyone between 45 and 52 years of age. For more information on how often you should schedule a colonoscopy exam, please consult one of our board-certified gastroenterology specialists in New Orleans, LA.

A colonoscopy screening at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Associates helps identify precancerous growths (polyps) or abnormal tissue that are present in the rectum or colon. Before you undergo a colonoscopy procedure, it is helpful to know what qualifies as average risk for colorectal cancer. Having an average risk for cancer means you are a candidate for an initial colonoscopy screening.

Patients are considered to be at average colon cancer risk if they do not have:

  • Inherited colorectal cancer syndrome, like familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)

  • A family history of colon cancer

  • Prior polyps or colorectal cancer

  • A history of radiation to the abdomen or pelvic area for previous cancer treatment

  • Suspected Lynch syndrome (hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer or HNPCC)

  • Inflammatory bowel disease, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease

Why is the end of the year a good time to have a colon cancer screening?

The time for new year's resolutions is on the horizon. The end of the year is a great time to reserve an appointment with a New Orleans, LA colonoscopy doctor. Why? Because it enables you to gain perspective and enjoy the holiday season with your family members knowing your health is in check.

Having a colonoscopy screening can help you begin the new year with a fresh perspective. Furthermore, having insight into your health is an ideal approach to help prioritize your overall goals. Lasting, it is imperative to realize that preventing colon cancer begins with you.

Book your colorectal cancer screening in New Orleans, LA

We want to help you enjoy a healthy, long life with the ones you love most. A colorectal cancer screening at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Associates is an excellent way to ring in the new year with a proactive approach. Not putting off a screening helps guard your health against colorectal cancer. To set up an appointment, please contact our knowledgeable gastrointestinal specialists in New Orleans, LA today.